consumption as a generative ACT II – Sex (half-fill toilet paper tubes with soil) I hate when asexual people are compared to plants, not only is this dehumanizing, it is also inaccurate. Plants fuck. Flowers are genitals. Pollen is airborne cum. A fruit is an ovary. Not only do plants fuck, they make it the whole ecosystem's business. Plants know that sex is a magic which requires a congregation. To spread the pollen, or to consume the ovary, is to partake in the divine orgy of propagation. To feel the flesh of the fruit squirt onto your lips, drip down your chin and fingers. To feel it’s cool centre warm with your breath. To taste the sweetness, the sour, the softness. To feel the pleasure of devouring, and know that your lover wishes to be devoured, so much so, that they entice you, invite your curious tongue, with their fragrant and seductive aroma. All of this so you may undress them with your teeth and expose the naked seed which lies within.